What to Expect when You're Not Expecting . . . That
This morning, my work monitor started acting up. Suddenly, the screen went dark and I got an error message having to do with the resolution, which I had not changed. This happened twice, so I called tech support, and a guy came over and looked at it. Of course, while he was in the office, the problem fixed itself, so it's kinda like taking the car in for a knock, and the knock doesn't happen while it's in the shop. While I was waiting to have it looked at, I had to figure out what I could work on that didn't require my monitor. For the record, there were two free computers in my outer office, as well as my laptop, so it wasn't like I would completely run out of things to do. But I had planned to get certain things done first, and had to adjust the sequence of things in order to stay at my own desk. Thankfully, it was only out for about ten minutes, and I was able to resume what I'd intended to do, but in the interim, I was able to clear a pile f...