Getting Stuck

 I have a goal for January and February of this year to write one blog a week.  Like New Year's resolutions, this went well for the first two weeks of the year, and I even wrote my second week's blog a day early.  Today, I'm stuck.  Of course, I've received some "inspirations and illuminations" this week, but nothing that sparks my creativity, or my desire to write.  So I looked up quotes about getting stuck.  I scrolled right past Joel Osteen to Anne Lamott, one of my all-time faves:  “If we stay where we are, where we're stuck, where we're comfortable and safe, we die there. We become like mushrooms, living in the dark . . ."  

Most of my life, my "solution" to being stuck is avoidance.  Procrastination.  I even tell myself that I work best under pressure, as justification for waiting until the last minute.  Sometimes that's true for the quality of my work, but it doesn't do much for me mentally or spiritually.  In the past few years, I've started working on "eating the frog," so to speak.  There's a saying that "If you eat a frog first thing in the morning, nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day" (paraphrase).  In other words, just get it over with.  Rip off the bandage.  Do something, even if it sucks.  The key to getting unstuck is just to DO.  "An object in motion stays in motion . . ."  It may not be moving in the intended direction, but it's moving.  This may be the suckiest blog that ever sucked, but it's my thoughts, out of my head, into the computer, and on this screen.  And, more to the point, I'm moving.

Don't let perfection be the enemy of your progress (Winston Churchill).  You may take two steps back, but at least you took one step forward.  Each step in the right direction proves to yourself that you can do it, and sometimes proof of past success is all that's needed to spur you on to future success.  


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